Family Magazine

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

By Evette Garside @evette77

Cure & Simple is all about bacon. It's a subscription service which sees subscribers feasting on delicious cured bacon which is delivered fresh and tasty straight through the letterbox.

The bacon comes from pigs that live their entire lives in the great outdoors of the Suffolk countryside. They have a natural balanced diet and the very highest welfare standards, giving peace of mind that Cure & Simple bacon comes from happy, healthy, British pigs. Cure & Simple also source the best ingredients for their bacon flavourings. They search high and low for herbs and spices that ideally complement their recipes and makes the bacon so very tasty.

Available to choose from is 5 different flavours of the bacon. These are - Original, Thai, Panceta, Bourbon and Old English. For those who can't decide which one they like best then there is also the choice of a mixed pack.

Cure & Simple offer 3 subscription options: weekly, fortnightly and monthly. Each one costing £5.95 per week, fortnight or month dependent on which plan is chosen. The price includes postage and packaging and gives the subscriber approximately 200g of cured bacon each time.

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

The bacon arrives in one of these boxes. It's small enough to fit through most letter boxes which provides a convenient option of not needing to be in when it arrives. They can even spray the box with a dog repellent for those who are worried their beloved pet may eat it before they come home.

The bacon inside the box is vacuum packed and sealed very tightly to preserve the freshness and reduce the need for refrigeration wilst it's in transit. This vacuum pack is then placed into an envelope which is then placed into the cardboard box and shipped via Royal Mail.

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

I was shipped over two packs of the Cure & Simple bacon. I did wonder how bacon could be sent through the post and still stay fresh. It's all to do with the very tight and secure vacuum packing. The bacon is sealed very tightly meaning no air gets in. As soon as the packet is open, air gets in and it then needs refrigerating. I was quite surprised that the bacon was cold to touch when it arrived too, almost like it had been kept chilled in transit.

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

I love my bacon. It's the one of the foods I have always been a fan if since being young. I mean who doesn't love their bacon butties? My bacon flavours were Bourbon (dry cured with malt extract and golden syrup) and Old English ( galangal and Caraway). It was lovely to try some flavoured bacon for a change.

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

These bacon rashers are really meaty and seem much thicker than regular brands. These are the sort of rashers that do not fall apart or shrink when cooked.

I found they had a delicious yummy bacon taste to them. They taste so much better than the bacon I'm used to eating too. Great for a morning bacon butty of course.

Cure & Simple: Bacon by Post

This is quite an unusual food subscription service but it's just great for all those bacon lovers out there. Subscriptions can be started for £5.95 weekly, monthly or fortnightly at Cure & Simple

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