Society Magazine

Cup Half Empty – Average Brit Rates Fitness Level at 46%

Posted on the 03 January 2014 by 72point @72hub

The typical Brit rates their fitness level at just 46%, a study has revealed. Research among 2,000 adults found most live an ‘unhealthy’ lifestyle amid a dizzy round of too much booze and endless high-fat food.

Worryingly, a large percentage went as far as to admit they found it tough to summon enough energy to complete ‘everyday tasks’.

It also emerged one in three of the population do no exercise whatsoever.

While results emphasised the lack of priority given towards personal health, the average person studied spent four times more on their car than they did on their health in 2013.

The study, commissioned by Holland and Barrett to mark the launch of their Good life MOT, found Brits spent £416 on their car in the last 12 months but just £101 on anything relating to their health.

A spokesperson for Holland and Barrett said:

”The results are surprising in how little people invest in their health.

”Low fitness levels are clearly having an impact on people’s day lives too, whether it’s their energy levels or overall body confidence.

”Making the choice to prioritise your health and exploring some of the small changes you can make day to day could have a big impact in helping people feel healthier and happier in 2014.”

More than one in four of those who took part said they had been forced to endure negative comments about their size or weight from other people.

The research also revealed how a lack of energy and a low fitness level affects our ability to get stuck into every day jobs.

Around one in two said they found this a struggle, with regular household chores bringing on fatigue that caused respondents to doubt the shape they were in.

Additionally the study found the typical adult is currently battling against two ‘injuries’ or aches and pains that hamper them in everyday life.

The results also revealed an inclination to place physical appearance higher on our list of priorities than health and fitness.

Four in ten (41%) said they classed the way they look as more important than how healthy they actually were.

And a similar number said they didn’t take their health very seriously while one in four even admitted they have gone downhill and are currently noticeably unhealthier than they were 12 months ago.

Perhaps no surprises then that 57% say their fitness level affects their confidence – but that doesn’t stop the fifth who smoke regularly despite knowing the long-term dangers, and the same number that routinely overindulge in alcohol.

One quarter of those studied described their body weight as ‘unhealthy’ but when asked about their future plans said they ‘cannot bring themselves to change it’.

The Holland and Barrett spokesman added:

”It seems we are more readily prioritising material aspects or focusing more on appearance but perhaps forgetting to take care of ourselves.

”Whether it’s in neglecting our long-term health or avoiding worrying about the future or simply in not making the time to think about what more we could do to get the benefits of good health.”


1. I don’t do any actual exercise
2. Low energy levels
3. Don’t get enough fruit and vegetables
4. Don’t get enough sleep
5. Drink alcohol regularly
6. Work too much
7. Eat lots of takeaways
8. Have an injury
9. Smoke cigarettes
10. Overweight


1. Cambridge
2. Bristol
3. Portsmouth
4. London
5. Cardiff
6. Southampton
7. Wrexham
8. Glasgow
9. Leeds
10. Aberystwyth

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