Last Updated on 30 September, 2021
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Console Commands – Learn how to open the console and how to cheat using these console commands
How to Open Console?
Launch the game and press Ctrl + `
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands Verb Ids
- time >Time
- dream >Dream
- job >Job
- explore >Explore
- study >Study
- talk >Talk
- craving >Exotic Craving
- despair >Bleak Thoughts
- visions
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Card Ids
- health >Health
- funds >Funds
- reason >Reason
- passion >Passion
- contentment >Contentment
- dread >Dread
- fascination >Fascination
- glimmering >Glimmering
- erudition >Erudition
- corpse >A Human Corpse
- genericprisonerm >Hapless Prisoner
- decrepitude >Decrepitude
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Lore Fragments
- fragmentmoth >A Barber’s Warning
- fragmentmothb >A Wood-Wishper
- fragmentmothc >An Ecdysiast’s Parable
- fragmentmothd >Moldywarp Admonitions
- fragmentmothe >Centipede Testament
- fragmentmothf >Thigh-born Thorax-Sweet
- fragmentmothg >Mare-in-the-Yew
- fragmentlantern >A Watchman’s Secret
- fragmentlanternb >A Manus Glimpse
- fragmentlanternc >An Unmerciful Mantra
- fragmentlanternd >Phanaean Invocation
- fragmentlanterne >Formulae Concursate
- fragmentlanternf >Mantra of Ascent
- fragmentlanterng >Illuminate Mysteries
- fragmentedge >A Knife’s Secret
- fragmentedgeb >Chiliarch’s Lesson
- fragmentedgec >An Operation of Labhite
- fragmentedged >The Colonel’s Names
- fragmentedgee >The Lionsmith’s Names
- fragmentedgef >The Alignments of Murder
- fragmentedgeg >The Mysteries of Force
- fragmentwinter >A Sexton’s Secret
- fragmentwinterb >A White Ceremony
- fragmentwinterc >An Operation of Declining Sun
- fragmentwinterd >Invocation of the Ivory Dove
- fragmentwintere >Recitation of Lost Hours
- fragmentwinterf >The Divisions of the Names
- fragmentwinterg >Wolf-Word
- fragmentheart >A Thunderous Secret
- fragmentheartb >Words that Walk
- fragmentheartc >A Waking Chant
- fragmentheartd >Geminate Invocation
- fragmenthearte >Formulae Vigilant
- fragmentheartf >Velvet Charm
- fragmentheartg >Unceasing Mysteries
- fragmentgrail >A Red Secret
- fragmentgrailb >A Megalesian Incantation
- fragmentgrailc >A Delightful Sacrament
- fragmentgraild >Thiatic Invocation
- fragmentgraile >Formulae Voluptuous
- fragmentgrailf >Anthic Elaboration
- fragmentgrailg >Devouring Mysteries
- fragmentknock >A Locksmith’s Secret
- fragmentknockb >An Iguvine Rite
- fragmentknockc >A Consent of Wounds
- fragmentknockd >Meniscate Invocation
- fragmentknocke >Formulae Ophidian
- fragmentknockf >Liminal Evocation
- fragmentknockg >Mysteries of Opening
- fragmentsecrethistories >An Occult Scrap
- fragmentsecrethistoriesb >A Furtive Truth
- fragmentsecrethistoriesc >A Forgotten Chronicle
- fragmentsecrethistoriesd >Forbidden Epic
- fragmentsecrethistoriese >Unresolved Ambiguity
- fragmentsecrethistoriesf >Vagabond’s Map
- fragmentsecrethistoriesg >Port Noon Anecdote
- fragmentforge >A Smith’s Secret
- fragmentforgeb >An Ardent Orison
- fragmentforgec >A Shaping Chant
- fragmentforged >Callidate Invocation
- fragmentforgee >Formula Fissive
- fragmentforgef >Furnace Paean
- fragmentforgeg >Mysteries of Making
- dehoris1 >De Horis Book 1
- dehoris2 >De Horis Book 2
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Ingredients
- ingredientmothb >Piebald Pigment >Moth 4
- ingredientmothd >Leathy >Moth 8
- ingredientmothe >Holiest Hemolymph >Moth 12
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Influence
- influencelantern >A Consciousness of Radiance >Lantern 2
- influencelanternc >An Intensity of Radiance >Lantern 6
- influencelanterne >A Blaze of Radiance >Lantern 10
- influencelanterng >A Splendour >Lantern 15
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Spintria
- compensation >Iron Spintria
- compensationb >Bronze Spintria
- compensationc >Silver Spintria
- compensationd >Gold Spintra
Cultist Simulator Cheats & Commands – Tools
- toolknockb >Icon of St Agnes >Knock 4
- toolknockd >Consecrated Lintel >Knock 8
- toolknockf >Frangiclave >Knock 12
- scholarlatin >Scholar: Latin
- scholargreek >Scholar: Greek
- scholarsanskrit >Scholar: Sanskrit
- scholararamaic >Scholar: Aramaic
- scholarfucine >Scholar: Fucine
- scholarphrygian >Scholar: Phrygian
- scholarmandaic >Scholar: Deep Mandaic
- scholarvak >Scholar: Vak
Follower Ids
- elridge_a >Elridge, an Acquaintance
- elridge_b >Elridge, a Follower
- elridge_c >Elridge, a Disciple
- elridge_d >Elridge, an Assassin
- spirit_graile_edge >Ezeem
- locationstreetsstrange >The Streets Strange by Moonlight