Food & Drink Magazine

Cucinami, A Recipe for Lemon Gelato

By Marialiberati

copyright 2014, Maria Liberati/Art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc

Thanks to everyone that came out to my appearance at the Lansdale Farmers’ Market this past Saturday.

Special thanks to the Lansdale Reporter

If you would like the recipes for the dishes I made there using the fresh, yummy produce at the market – summery cous cous, Parmigiano crumble with kale and chocolate cinnamon crumble with fresh strawberries- send an email to : [email protected]

To express my love for  Cooking,nothing is more appropriate than an Italian word-Cucinami (made up of the words for kitchen-cucina- and Love-Ami) Cucinami!

But as the saying goes………..

“One cannot live without food and love”

So it is an appropriate word that combines 2 important essentials of life!

As I dwell on my love for cooking in steamy hot weather on the East Coast, thoughts also trickle to a cool gelato..and making something that takes me away from the heat…better even yet if you can get fresh,local lemons.

Gelato Di Limone

Cucinami, A Recipe for Lemon Gelato

*3 fresh,fragrant lemons

*3/4 cup sugar

2 cups milk

1 egg white

Squeeze lemons. Add sugar to lemon juice. Whip with wire whisk till sugar has melted into the juice. With a wire whisk quickly blend  in the milk. In  separate bowl, whip the egg white till firm. Fold beaten egg white into mixture. Place into gelato or ice cream maker according to directions on machine. Enjoy with sprig of fresh mint, grated lemon peel

For more recipes, get your copy of the award winning book selected as the Best Italian Cuisine Book in the USA The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays & Special Occasions-2nd edition

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Count Down to Milwaukee Festa Italiana on July 18,19,20..the largest Italian American Festival.. I will be in the Celebrity Chef kitchen this year..hope you can join me!! For more info email : [email protected]

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