Last Updated on 11 February, 2022
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – The best binds to copy and paste, and a list of commands for you to do yourself
Also check the PC Controls
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Mousewheel Jump
Bind = bind mwheelup +jump;bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump
Description: You will jump whenever you move the mouse wheel up or down. It is a bind that facilitates bunny hopping
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Quickswitch
Bind = bind q “use weapon_knife;slot1”
Description: It is used to quickly switch from main weapon to knife and back to the main weapon. It is especially useful if you use AWP, since after shooting instead of re-aiming with the sight you will take out the knife
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Grenade
Bind = bind z “use weapon_flashbang”;bind x “use weapon_smokegrenade”;bind c “use weapon_hegrenade”;bind v “use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade”
Description: Assign a key to each grenade, to access the one you want without having to search for them. In the command that we provide you we use the ZXCV configuration, but you only have to change the key
- Z – flashbang
- X – smoke grenade
- C – HE grenade
- V – molotov and incendiary grenade
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Nade Lineup
Bind = bind 1 “slot1 ; cl_crosshairsize 3”; bind 2 “slot2 ; cl_crosshairsize 3”; bind 3 “slot3 ; cl_crosshairsize 3”; bind 4 “slot8 ; cl_crosshairsize 1000”
Description: It will make your crosshair stretch out in all 4 directions to the edge of the screen. You will need to change cl_crosshairsize 3 to your own crosshair size
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Mute all voice
Bind = bindtoggle j voice_enable
Description: It will silence everyone, including your teammates
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Drop Bomb
Bind = bind b “use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1”
Description: The manual process is not very efficient, you have to switch to the pump first and then drop it. Here you can do everything by pressing a single key
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Clear Decals bind
Bind = bind m “r_cleardecals”
Description: With this you will clean all the walls and the floor of all traces of blood, graffiti and anything that hinders the visibility of your enemies
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Noclip
Bind = bind p “sv_cheats 1; noclip
Description: It’s a cheat, so be careful when using it. Basically it allows you to fly, move faster, go through objects and walls
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Drawothermodels
Bind = bind j “sv_cheats 1; toggle r_drawothermodels 1 2”
Description: It’s a cheat, so be careful when using it. Highlight opposing players through walls and objects, it’s a kind of wall hack
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Remove Crosshair
Bind = bind f2 “toggle crosshair 0 1”
Description: There are private games that are played like this, without crosshair. And it is also useful if you want to take a screenshot
CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Jump Throw
Bind = alias “+jumpthrow” “+jump;-attack”; alias “-jumpthrow” “-jump”; bind alt “+jumpthrow”
Description: This bind needs to be placed in your autoexec, or used each time you reopen CS:GO, you will jump and throw the grenade you are currently holding, usually useful for smoke grenades
Net_graph Scoreboard Bind
Bind = alias +netg “net_graph 1;+showscores”;alias -netg “net_graph 0;-showscores”;bind TAB “+netg”;
Description: Important information that by default is always activated. In this way you can consult it only when you feel like it, without reducing visibility on your screen the rest of the time
Increase Volume When Walking Bind
Bind = alias +incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+speed”;alias -incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-speed”;bind SHIFT +incvol
Description: When you walk to keep quiet is when you are most interested in detecting any sound, but increasing the volume permanently can be annoying, so here you only increase it when you walk
Zoom Radar Bind
Bind = bind o “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0 1 0.25”
Description: It is not easy to determine the ideal size of the zoom, but if you can enlarge it by pressing a key you solve the problem
Commands List
- 1 / End = kp_end
- 2 / Down Arrow = kp_downarrow
- 3 / Page Down = kp_pgdn
- 4 / Left Arrow = kp_leftarrow
- 5 = kp_5
- 6 / Right Arrow = kp_rightarrow
- 7 / Home = kp_home
- 8 / Up Arrow = kp_uparrow
- 9 / Page Up = kp_pgup
- 0 / Insert = kp_ins
- . / Delete = kp_del
- / (Slash) = kp_slash
- * (Multiply) = kp_multiply
- – (Minus) = kp_minus
- + (Plus) = kp_plus
- Enter = kp_enter
- Insert = ins
- Delete = del
- Home = home
- End = end
- Page Up = pgup
- Page Down = pgdn
- Up Arrow = uparrow
- Left Arrow = leftarrow
- Down Arrow = downarrow
- Right Arrow = rightarrow
- F1 = f1
- F2 = f2
- F3 = f3
- F4 = f4
- F5 = f5
- F6 = f6
- F7 = f7
- F8 = f8
- F9 = f9
- F10 = f10
- F11 = f11
- F12 = f12
- 1 / ! (Exclamation Mark) = 1
- 2 / @ (At Sign) = 2
- 3 / # (Number Sign) = 3
- 4 / $ (Dollar Sign) = 4
- 5 / % (Percent Sign) = 5
- 6 / ^ (Caret) = 6
- 7 / & (Ampersand) = 7
- 8 / * (Asterisk) = 8
- 9 / ( (Parenthesis Left) = 9
- 0 / ) (Parenthesis Right) = 0
- A = a
- B = b
- C = c
- D = d
- E = e
- F = f
- G = g
- H = h
- I = i
- J = j
- K = k
- L = l
- M = m
- N = n
- O = o
- P = p
- Q = q
- R = r
- S = s
- T = t
- U = u
- V = v
- W = w
- X = x
- Y = y
- Z = z
- Space Bar = space
- – (Hyphen) / _ (Underscore) = –
- Err:508 = =
- [ (Bracket Left) / { (Brace Left) = [
- ] (Bracket Right) / } (Brace Right) = ]
- \ (Backslash) / | (Pipe) = \
- ; (Semicolon) / : (Colon) = semicolon
- ‘ (Apostraphe) / ” (Quotation Marks) = ‘
- , (Comma) / < (Pointy Bracket Left) = ,
- . (Period) / > (Pointy Bracket Right) = .
- / (Slash) / ? (Question Mark) = /
- Backspace = backspace
- Tab = tab
- Enter = enter
- Caps Lock = capslock
- Shift Left = shift
- Shift Right = rshift
- Control Left = ctrl
- Control Right = rctrl
- Alt Left = alt
- Alt Right = ralt
- Left Mouse = mouse1
- Right Mouse = mouse2
- Middle Mouse = mouse3
- Side Mouse 1 = mouse4
- Side Mouse 2 = mouse5
- Mouse Wheel Down = mwheeldown
- Mouse Wheel Up = mwheelup