Last Updated on 15 December, 2022
Crusader Kings 3 Gold Guide – Welcome to the unofficial guide on how to make money in Crusader King 3. Follow all the steps and succeed!
Crusader Kings 3 might be a lot of fun, but in order for your troops to carry out your orders, they often need money.
In CK3, there are many ways to make your lands rich and prosperous. To master all of these techniques, though, you might require a few in-game hours.
Debt can destroy your kingdom more quickly than Mongol invaders if you don’t properly maintain an income.
Here are all the ways to get money in Crusader Kings 3 so that you can govern a powerful kingdom.
Crusader Kings 3 Gold Guide – How Important Money Is in CK3
You might be wondering in the consequences of having a negative income in CK3. They are truly terrible, though.
There are a growing number of disadvantages that may appear the longer a player remains in debt, including:
Years in Debt Levy Size Levy Reinforcement Rate Development Growth Vassal Opinion Popular Opinion Advantage Join Faction Acceptance For Vassals
0 -10% -10% -10% -5 -5 -5 +10
1 -20% -20% -20% -10 -10 -10 +20
2 -30% -30% -30% -15 -15 -15 +30
3 -40% -40% -40% -20 -20 -20 +40
4 -50% -50% -50% -25 -25 -25 +50
5 -50% -50% -50% -30 -30 -30 +60
10 -90% -90% -90% -50 -50 -50 +70
While there are many ways for players to lose money in CK3, they should always be on the lookout for their army expenses as they can escalate into the most dangerous situations.
Crusader kings 3 Gold Guide – How to Make Gold in CK3
The different methods you might gain money in CK3 vary greatly depending on your government type. The following are all the ways to obtain gold in Crusader Kings 3:
- Raiding
- Prisoner Ransom
- Upgrading Direct Holdings
- Changing the Contracts of Vassals
- Increasing Stewardship
- Asking the Head of Faith
- Wars
As you can see, there are numerous ways to either increase your monthly income or make a fast buck. So let’s examine each one in turn:
Stealing to make money
You can always assemble your soldiers and go on a raid if you are the ruler of a tribal. As a tribal leader in CK3, this is the best way to get money because all of your lands provide you pocket coin.
As long as you are not engaged in combat, you can go raiding at any time during your adventure. You should not attempt to raid a realm that is more powerful than your own because they can quickly mobilize and wipe out your raiding party.
However, if the two kingdoms are at war and you know they won’t be able to come and halt your raid, you can choose to attack the stronger one. Check the strength of the vassal in control of the land you are raiding as well because they might boost their levy forces against you.
Before you invade a province, make sure it has enough loot; otherwise, it may have already been attacked and won’t have anything worth your time.
The appeal of raiding is that it gives you the opportunity to take some prisoners with you throughout your sieges. This is fantastic because ransoming captives in CK3 is the second best way to generate quick money.
In order to capture the relatives of a powerful ruler and earn even more money, players should aim to raid the capitals of their neighbors.
Prisoner ransoming
Players can capture a lot of prisoners in CK3 through sieges and several options. You will eventually find that they are a money-making machine even though they initially appear to be useless.
You can start earning a lot of money if you have the Crown Authority necessary to legally imprison vassals and courtiers.
If you set your spy’s search criteria to “Find Secrets from the Council,” you might occasionally come across crimes that could lead to jail.
If you imprisoned someone who didn’t deserve it, you would typically receive negative feedback. If you are an emperor, though, you can attempt to imprison even kings claiming legitimate reasons.
If you have the legal authority, you should always put powerful vassals in jail so you can hold them for ransom in exchange for vast sums of gold without risking the other side’s opinion.
Upgrading and Building Economic Structures in Your Own Holdings
Building and improving economic buildings on lands you directly own is a good way to generate a good passive income in CK3.
If some structures are given the highest level possible, they can generate at least three gold every month for you.
Long term, investing in these buildings can pay off because having a few areas with updated economic structure can generate large monthly incomes.
Changing Vassals’ Contract
Each of your vassals will give you a monthly payment. However, you can alter their vassalage contract if you were successful in gaining a favor from one of them (or turned a relative into a lord).
By doing this, you can increase their taxes while changing the amount of money they pay you each month.
Depending on the vassal, this may be the most lucrative contract in your whole CK3 career, or it could be absolutely useless and cause you relationship issues.
By lowering levies or implementing one of the decrees listed below, you can counteract the negative impact that excessive taxes have on public perception.
Stewardship is rising
Stewardship is one of the most crucial stats in CK3, as it can expand the size of your domain and earn you far more money than you had anticipated.
First of all, you can already greatly raise your income by selecting one of the Stewardship Lifestyles. You will earn 10% extra each month if you use the Wealth Focus.
The Duty Focus, however, will raise your Stewardship by 3 and hence, your taxes by 6%.
Every Stewardship level above 8 that your ruler possesses will result in a 2% rise in domain taxes. Therefore, be sure to find a spouse that has a high Stewardship rating and assign them to Manage Domain under the Council tab.
To ask of your Head of Faith
You may have the opportunity to ask your Head of Faith for a small sum of money in exchange for piety, depending on your level of faith.
Though it might seem difficult, obtaining Piety is not difficult. The Pope or whoever is your Head of Faith can provide you with a large amount of piety quickly and then exchange it for a substantial sum of money.
To ask for gold, you only need the Head of Faith to approve of you and a small amount of piety.
Battling over Money
War is the final means of earning money in CK3. Although it seems counterintuitive because fighting will need you to pay your troops, which will cost you money, fighting can actually increase your gold supply.
First and foremost, defensive conflicts are a fantastic source of revenue. If someone attacks you, don’t be afraid; it’s just a chance to raid their premises, rob them, and hold some hostages for ransom.
Wars will provide you the opportunity to both raid and kidnap aristocrats at the same time. Additionally, the invader gives you a lot of cash and prestige if you succeed in a defensive fight.
That is all there is to know about earning money in Crusader Kings 3!
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