CrossTower has already made a name for itself in the NFT world. Projects like Antara and David Bowie World are interested in it.
CrossTower and Ripple have said they will work together to add non-fungible tokens (NFTs) made on the XRP Ledger to CrossTower’s NFT marketplace. Ripple is the leader in the market for Blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions for businesses.
XRP Ledger, which is also known as XRPL, is a cheap, fast, and carbon-free Blockchain. When this technology is added to the CrossTower marketplace, it will pave the way for new infrastructure and reduce the time it takes to get a project up and running. CrossTower told people about the change in a news release.
The announcement says that the out-of-the-box media include payments, wallets, and liquidity support, among other things. In the end, onboarding projects will be able to get to market faster.
“Ripple’s plan to create a developer network in India is very exciting for CrossTower, since we are committed to helping Blockchain talent grow in India. CrossTower CEO Kapil Rathi says that we are looking forward to growing our NFT platform around the world.
CrossTower has made a name for itself in the NFT industry and wants to increase its market share. The company says that the growth will only be possible if the way the market works is improved to include and support XPRL.
It is expected that the final solution will make it much cheaper and easier for people who want to use Blockchain technology to create projects to do so. Blockchain technology will also make it easier for tokenized assets to settle and be sold.
Fans are likely to benefit from this partnership as well as artists.
At the moment, the CrossTower marketplace offers a great user experience by putting fans in touch with their favorite artists and well-known companies.
The XPR Ledger will also improve the way digital transactions work by letting people buy and sell NFTs with credit cards. After buying something, the assets can be sent to connected wallets (one of the out-of-the-box mediums mentioned above).
CrossTower has already gotten projects like Antara and David Bowie World interested in its specialized marketplace, even though this cooperation is just the first step in a long process of growth. A lot of people around the world are likely to be interested in the first projects that use the planned XPRL Blockchain technology.
Details about the first meeting will be made public in the weeks to come.
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