Society Magazine

Cross Generational Study Finds Women Today Have 50% Less Positive Thoughts

Posted on the 29 March 2016 by 72point @72hub
Cross Generational Study Finds Women Today Have 50% Less Positive Thoughts

Modern women are less confident than their mothers were at the same age, new research reveals.

A cross generational study revealed young women today have 50 per cent less positive thoughts about themselves on average (three per day) compared to their mother's generation (six per day).

Researchers polled 1,000 women aged 18-30 and 1,000 women aged 50-65 to examine the difference between each generation's approach to positive thinking and overall happiness and found younger women also have a third more negative thoughts per day.

The study, commissioned by Weight Watchers, found today's modern women have nine negative thoughts per day - compared to six by their mother's generation.

For UK women, there is a strong correlation between body confidence and overall happiness - 20 per cent of women aged 50-65 reported having body confidence when in their 30's and 74 per cent of the same group agreed they were happy in themselves.

In contrast, less than 10 per cent of today's 30 year olds felt they were happy in their appearance, with only 66 per cent feeling happy overall.

This was further supported by the result that young women place more than four times more emphasis on physical improvement by working on their health and fitness than the older generation ever did.

Furthermore, only 5 per cent of modern young women answered they were happy about their body and nearly half stated that their body was the area of their life they were most unhappy about.

However, young women reported higher degrees of confidence in their relationships and professional capabilities than their mother's generation did at their age.

While the older women surveyed agreed that today's young women are much more empowered (58 per cent) than they were.

Commenting on the findings, Dr Katy Tapper, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at City University London, said: "It is unsurprising that these findings indicate young women today are feeling far less confident in their bodies than the older generation did at the same age.

"The UK is seeing rising rates of obesity in young women which can contribute to decreased body confidence and lead to lower mood levels."

Over half of the older generation concurred that the pressure to look good is more prevalent today (55 per cent) - potentially a consequence of the rise of the selfie.

The older generation of those surveyed was also more likely to be pleased with how they look in the mirror (38 per cent), be proud of something they had accomplished during the day or walk down the street feeling good about themselves when they were the same age.

Commenting on the findings, Zoe Griffiths, Head of Public Health and Programme at Weight Watchers, said: "It is clear that women today are far harder on themselves in all aspects of life than their mothers' generation was.

"From careers and relationships to the way they look, women today are pushing themselves to exceed in every way.

"This is a trend can have a huge impact on young women's confidence which is why at Weight Watchers, we believe it is incredibly important for women to build a strong and positive relationship with body and mind. We want to empower women to focus on building greater self-belief to achieve positive change."

This Weight Watchers research has been conducted as part of #WomanKind, a nationwide campaign that explores why modern women are unkind to themselves and how they can counter this cultural habit, to make healthier choices by focusing on building greater self belief to build better relationships with themselves.

For the full report or more information visit


Positive thoughts about self per day 3 6

Negative thoughts about self per day 9 6

Consider themselves 'confident' 45 per cent 48 per cent

Consider themselves 'happy' 66 per cent 74 per cent

Areas of confidence Relationship (35%) Health (31%)

Intelligence (31%)

Least confident areas Body (56%) Body (35%)

Overall appearance (38%) Career (24%)

  1. Relationship
  2. Intelligence
  3. Sense of humour
  4. Friendships
  5. Outlook on life
  1. I'd like to improve my health and fitness
  2. I'd like to lose weight
  3. I want to work my way up the career ladder
  4. I'd like to replace half my wardrobe for more complimentary outfits
  5. I'd like to learn how to apply my make up better
  6. I want to be more spontaneous
  7. I want to laugh more
  8. I want to read more
  9. I want to make more time for my friends
  10. I want more time to myself

Cross Generational Study Finds Women Today Have 50% Less Positive Thoughts
Cross Generational Study Finds Women Today Have 50% Less Positive Thoughts

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