
Crohn's Disease - Best Tips Symptoms and Causes

Posted on the 08 July 2019 by Healthywikihow @healthywikihow


Crohn's disease causes inflammation of the digestive system. It belongs to a group of diseases called inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn's disease can affect any area from the mouth to the anus. It usually affects the lower part of the small intestine, called the ileum.
The cause of this disease is not known. It may be due to an abnormal reaction of the body's immune system. He also seems to have a family tendency. It usually starts around 13 or 30 years old.
The most common symptoms are a pain in the abdomen and diarrhea. Other symptoms include:
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Weightloss
  • Fever
Your doctor can diagnose it with physical, laboratory, imaging tests and/or a colonoscopy.
Crohn's disease can cause complications such as intestinal obstruction, ulcers in the intestine and problems absorbing enough nutrients. People with this condition can also develop joint pain and skin problems. Children can have growth problems.
There is no cure. The treatment is to help control the symptoms. It may include medications, nutritional supplements and/or surgery. Some people may experience long periods of remission in those without symptoms.
NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease


The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are:
cramps and pain in the abdomen
weight loss
Other symptoms include:

redness or pain in the eyes
joint pain or discomfort
nausea or loss of appetite
changes in the skin that include red, sensitive bumps under the skinYour symptoms may vary depending on the location and severity of the inflammation.
Some research suggests that stress, including the stress of living with Crohn's disease, can make symptoms worse. Also, in some people, certain foods can trigger or worsen their symptoms.

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Doctors are not sure what causes Crohn's disease. Experts think that the following factors may play a role in Crohn's disease.
Autoimmune reactionA cause of Crohn's disease can be an autoimmune reaction when your immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body. Experts believe that bacteria in the digestive tract can trigger a wrong reaction of the immune system. This response of the immune system causes inflammation, which generates the symptoms of Crohn's disease.
GenesCrohn's disease can sometimes be hereditary. Research has shown that if one of your parents or siblings has Crohn's disease, you may be more likely to have the disease. Experts continue to study the link between genes and Crohn's disease.
Other factorsSome studies suggest that there are other factors that may increase the likelihood of having Crohn's disease:

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