
Crohn’s Disease

Posted on the 10 November 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Often people complain of stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal irritation, weight loss. Sometimes people ignore it. These symptoms may be pointing to a stomach related disease. A stomach related disease is Crohn's disease or Crohn's disease which is also known as Crohn's syndrome or ileitis. The disease is named after New York gastroenterologist Barrill Bernard Cron. This disease is a chronic inflammatory disease occurring in a type of digestive track. Also Read - 11kg tumor, flatulence and shortness of breath are extracted from woman's stomach

What is Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is part of a group of intestinal diseases known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). The disease usually affects the lower part of the small intestine (ileum). However, it can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal system.

Crohn's Disease Causes, Risk

In people suffering from Crohn's disease, there is swelling, burning sensation and ulcers in the intestines and surrounding areas, affecting the lining of the digestive track badly. Till now scientists have not been able to find out the exact reason for this, but they believe that it is probably responsible for the problems related to the immune system, genetic and haphazard lifestyle. Lifestyle includes eating habits, microbes such as bacteria or viruses, smoking, etc. Many researches have also said that there is a higher risk of Crohn's disease among those who do not smoke.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms

The disease is generally common in people between 15 and 30 years of age, yet it can affect anyone. Symptoms include pain in the stomach or intestines diarrhea with or without blood fever feeling of heaviness in the lower right side of the abdomen weight loss anemia fatigue, etc. Other severe symptoms may develop depending on the complications of the disease such as arthritis, gallstones, burning sensation in the mouth and eyes, skin rashes or ulcers.Poor digestive power is the cause of every disease, keep it fit like this

Crohn's Disease Treatment

Not necessarily all symptoms point towards Crohn's disease, so there is no need to panic or get upset. If symptoms persist, contact a doctor first. Several tests are done to identify Crohn's disease like medical history, endoscopy, blood test, barium X-ray etc. In the treatment, first try to reduce swelling, burning, pain, diarrhea, bleeding through drugs

Do not panic with symptoms

This disease is not so common. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and not digesting food properly are seen in many diseases. In such a situation, it is not necessary that you have Crohn's disease. It is atrogenic, in which the cause is not known. Crops are detected only after multiple investigations, intestinal biopsy. It is treated by making lifestyle changes such as exercising, balanced diet ie eating nutritious food, relieving stress.

Ayurvediv view in crohn's diseases

  • When Agni - the fire of digestion - is weak, there is incomplete degradation of food. Then toxins are formed by the rotting of residues that remain. They spread with the blood and damage the nourishment of the cells, they also block the fine channels through which the three vital body energies flow, and they cause disturbances to the vital processes.
  • In fact, the disturbances affect the balance of the three energies in the body through which the organism lives and develops. They carry out all processes in the organism. The movements are performed through Vata; Pitta manages the transformations, and the condition of the liquids depends on Kapha. These forces are in a unique balance in each one of us, and each one of them has a certain "share" in it, as the leading energy determines the Dosha type of the person.
  • Every time one of the Doshasgoes out of balance, it can cause symptoms similar to Cronh's disease anywhere in the digestive system. Usually the imbalance in one of the vital energies leads to imbalance in the other two. The type and extent of manifestation of the symptoms depend on the Dosha type of the person and they also depend on which energies have deviated and how much.

Ayurveda uses many and varied herbs in order to reduce inflammation of the digestive system and possible pain. It also affects the whole organism in order for it to restore its optimal functions as a self-regulating and controlling system that prevents illnesses.

The emphasis is on restoring the proper digestion and the balance of the Doshas. That is why the factors that suppress Agni should be eliminated - unhealthy food, which does not conform to the Dosha of the person; improper combination of incompatible foods, or inappropriate diet, or eating in inappropriate hours, inadequate to Agni'sbiological activity.

At the same time, the accumulated toxins must be cleansed from the body, and useful habits shall be created in terms of everyday life, feelings and thoughts. This is required because for Ayurveda the physical health is inextricably linked to the mental and psychological health. Therefore Ayurveda's treatment includes a strictly individual complex of diet, detoxification, meditation, healing yoga, as all these are determined by the Ayurveda doctor.


It is the best ayurvedic herbal remedy that can be used externally to get relief from the swelling, redness, discomfort, itchiness of the piles. It is very effective in calming the imbalance pitta. This lepam is formed from Patola, Nimba patra, Tuttha, Jati patra, etc. It possesses excellent antimicrobial activity and is very effective in controlling piles, fistula and Crohn's Disease.

Method of Application - Apply the lepam on the affected area.

Kapha tablet is a healthy blend of herbs formulated to balance Kapha doshas without aggravating Pitta and Vata doshas. It can also be used to alleviate any temporary Kapha imbalance. It is very effective in Kapha season that is late winter and spring. It consists of warming and astringent herbs that help to balance the system throughout the cold season. The main use of Kapha tablets is to remove excess Kapha doshas from the system and helps in the management of weight, healthy lungs, and the immune system

Recommended Dosage - Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.

Kanchnar Guggul is an Ayurvedic and Herbal medicine. It is available in the form of a tablet and it is to be taken orally. They are processed by decreasing the decoction of vegetable substances to a thick density and after pouring some powders for creating a pill mass. CAC Kanchnar guggul is pure herbal medicines which checks and treats any kind of abnormal growth in the body, healing of ulcers, thyroid disorders, hernia, lesions and cancer. All kind of unwanted growth and fluid retentions in the body is treated by CAC Kanchnar Guggul and it reduces all kinds of lumps in the body.

Recommended Dosage - Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.

Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimba churna, Panchatikta guggulu, Patol patra, Ajmoda, Khadir chhal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Manjistha, Chopchini, Gandhak, etc. Skin care tablet is a blood purifying. It cools and detoxifies the blood, dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimises the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablet also act as a skin moistuirizer, Improves blood circulation, Remove blemishes, Reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples, Relieves leucoderma.

Recommended Dosage - Take 1 tablets twice daily with normal water.

Kaishore Guggulu Tablet is a herbo- mineral 650 MG tablet. CAC Kaishore Guggulu tablet helps in balancing Pitta dosha in our body. Kaishore guggulu is an ayurvedic guggul formulation used for raised uric acid, Blood purification, mild to severe attacks of Gouty arthritis, inflammatory diseases, Wounds, Indigestion, Constipation, Loss of appetite, Diabetic carbuncles etc. Kaishore guggulu contains pure herbal ingredients such as Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shunthi (Zingiber Officinale), Kalimirch (Piper Nigrum), Pipali (Piper Longum), Vidanga (Embelia Ribes), Nisoth (Operculina Turpethum), Danti Mool (Baliospermum Montanum), Goghrita etc.

Recommended Dosage - Take 1 tablets twice daily with normal water.

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