NRG is reporting: Hysteria in the Jordan Valley: Crocodiles are taking control over the area
that is really the headline. see it for yourself.
When I saw the headline I thought this would be a compelling story, somehow crocs got loose from the croc parks and are breeding and eating pets or sheep or even threatening humans... I even wondered to myself for a moment if there would be any danger running the Tiberias Marathon next week (a few years back there was a crocodile on the course of the marathon, so the thought was not actually so far-fetched).
Another thought was, if crocodiles are taking over the Jordan Valley, maybe we should just give that area to the Palestinians and let them deal with it.
Then I read the article.
It is actually quite boring.
Basically the croc population in the area has grown so much and they can no longer handle it. The crocodile is a protected species and they cannot kill them, meaning the current population of about 1000 crocodiles is becoming a problem. That number of crocs lays about 600 eggs per year, most of which hatch and bring to the world new crocodiles. A couple of years ago 70 crocodiles broke out of the park. In addition some have been stolen and either let loose or just held in captivity.
Maybe they should give them away as pets. Or ship them out of Israel. Sell them to zoos, collectors, drop them in the wild in Africa or Egypt or wherever. Maybe start a crocodile park in the Palestinian Authority and donate the Israeli crocs to them...
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