Food & Drink Magazine

Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Recently I was sent some chocolates from the lovely folk at Creighton's Chocolaterie, and so far I've reviewed their Lemon Bonbon bar which turned out to be very nice here's the rest!
First up, is the intriguing Cafe Latte White Chocolate Bar: Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
This is a high quality white chocolate blended with freshly ground espresso.
Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
It tasted lovely! The white chocolate was exceptionally creamy, very good quality and with a decent amount of cocoa butter. The espresso speckles gave it a lovely coffee-tinged flavor that is pleasant but not overpowering - it's tempered perfectly with the creaminess of the white chocolate. A very indulgent bar...I naturally enjoyed it with a cup of coffee!
Peanut Nutter: Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
Despite the name this bar doesn't contain peanut butter - just roasted peanuts and seasalt. Which isn't really a problem because it's so tasty and moreish you would never guess! The combination of salty peanuts and creamy milk chocolate were made for each other - one bite of this and I soon gobbled the whole bar. It was delicious; perfectly creamy milk chocolate, crunchy fresh peanuts and a moreish lick of salt. Nothing else needed!
Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
Sanguinello Orange Dark Chocolate:
Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
This bar consists of Belgian dark chocolate flavoured with sanguinello (blood orange) oil.
Creighton's Chocolates: Cafe Latte, Peanut Nutter & Sanguinello Orange Review
Having tried many different orange flavoured bars over the years I wasn't expecting much different from this, but was surprised to find it's a very tasty orange chocolate...more so even than other dark orange bars such as Lindt's Orange Intense. It tasted particularly fresh and zingy thanks to the blood orange oil, perfectly balanced by the flavoursome dark chocolate. A refreshing surprise! I also liked the thinness of the bar, the chunks were just the right size for savouring each piece.
Creighton's certainly produce some interesting chocolates, and good quality ones at that! I was surprised by how nice some of these were and they're certainly ones I would buy again. Their range is very interesting - flavours include liquorice whip, fizzy cola, peach and even pineapple souffle - Creighton's certainly aren't your run-of-the-mill everyday chocolate company!
Overall Rating: 9 out of 10.
For more info on Creighton's visit:
*Products sent for an honest review.

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