I am not kidding when I say I have heard this song 3187 times and I still hear it 29 times a day. At least. For some reason, we watched Frozen last year but the fever is at an all time high recently. Yes, my girls are totally in love and smitten with this Disney animated film. I'm not sure if it was a wise move to purchase the DVD when it was released, but we did and it now serves excellently as a reward for good behavior.
Before I go on, I have to admit that I love the show too. Every bit of it, from the Scandinavian setting, the effects, the cast, the plot to the values and the humor. In particular, I love how it tells about the love between the two sisters, Elsa and Anna, and how an act of true love can have the power to melt ice and mend hearts. It teaches us about family ties, about perseverance, about sacrifice, about the power of love and of course, about how you shouldn't trust boys that you've met only for a day.
When we talked about the show, I came to realize that Angel didn't fully understand the story, for instance on why Elsa had to be kept in her room, why Elsa hurt Anna, why Anna didn't die, why Prince Hans turned evil and so on. So, we have been chatting about Frozen under the blankets at night and subtly, I try to instill those important values of love and family in her.
Back to my point, yes, that song. That chart-topping, Oscar-winning Best Original Song with over 168 million views on YouTube. It's amazing how all Angel's classmates can sing it and how we keep hearing it on the radio, in the MRT and in the lifts. Well, that is because the whole world, or my whole world, is singing it.
There was one day when I got so annoyed listening to it for the umpteenth time that I told Angel to stop singing it and change to another song, only to regret it after when I saw her dismayed look. Since then, I have been trying to have as much patience as I can and always listen to her earnestly when she showcases her vocals. It was when I realised she was singing many of the words wrongly that an idea popped to my mind.
Well, as the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. And join them I did. We decided to make a "Let it go" DIY lift-the-flap lyrics poster and combine singing with fun learning, reading and spelling.

1) Drawing block
2) Lyrics from "Let it go"
3) Pictures from Frozen (Printed on matt photo paper)
4) Matching pictures of selected words (Printed on matt photo paper)
5) Crayons
6) Scissors
7) Glue
Firstly, I went through the lyrics of the song, highlighting words that I think would be great to teach the four-year-old Angel. You can choose easier words for younger kids or harder, and more, words for the older ones. I achieved a total of 28 words, including snow, mountain, footprint, wind, storm, see, light, day, good, girl, small, door, queen, cold, care, time and so on.

After that, I cut out the pictures neatly, folded a flap on top of each picture and glued them down to the matching words so as to form flaps as shown.

When cutting, trim the picture to the correct size and when sticking, make sure that the flap covers the entire word but can be opened up to reveal it completely. I chose to use photo paper because they are thicker than plain paper and thus the flaps will be more sturdy.

As much as I could, I also used pictures from Frozen for the matching words, for instance the word 'queen' had a picture of Elsa wearing the crown, the word 'girl' showed a picture of Elsa as a child, the word 'cry' had Elsa sobbing on the ice and the word 'see' was done using a picture of Elsa's beautiful blue eye, much to Angel's delight.

So nowadays, we don't just sing the song but we learn the words as we go along and have fun lifting the flaps. I've a good mind to let her learn to spell and also teach her these words in Chinese as we progress. Good idea? No?
You know, this girl not only loves to sing the songs, she also loves to dress up as Queen Elsa, loves to pretend she has powers and loves to do rhythmic knocking on every surface she sees. Once, I caught her re-enacting a whole scene by herself, knocking on my bedroom door singing "Do you wanna build a snowman?", then replies to herself "Go away, Anna", pretends to walk away with a forlorn looking saying "Okay, bye", before she sat down in a corner, buried her face in her arms and tried to sob. No joke. I would have given her an Oscar award.
Anyway, I really don't wish to dampen her enthusiasm in this matter so besides doing the lyrics poster for her, we also let her dress up as the queen.
Meet Queen Elsa-Angel.

Wait? Something, or someone, seems to be missing?


Now tell me, are your kids simply in love with Frozen too?

To fellow bloggers who have a fun craft session, DIY tip or creative idea to share, come join in the party! Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. I will be hosting Creativity 521 on the 5th and 21st of every month, do hop over for more inspiration. Remember: The sky's the limit when it comes to creativity!