Culture Magazine

Creative Vs. Critic

By Englishwifeindianlife

I came across this quote today about being an artist and I had to write about it immediately

Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide

Picture credit: Pinterest

This is the perpetual dilemma I face as a writer, my desire to express ebbs and flows with the small voice inside my head telling me to be quiet. My inner critic pulls the strings of my instinct to hide away and ignore the world whilst my creativity kicks and screams, demanding it’s freedom.  There is a fierce battle being fought deep inside my psyche and I never considered that this tension could be yielded in some way.

My creativity wants to welcome you into my inner world and share not only beauty but my suffering, thus transforming that negativity into something beautiful (a piece of writing). I need to express myself, I want to connect with people… I have to create!!

My inner critic, who I imagine as a small grumpy old man smoking cheap cigarettes, has other ideas and judges everything my creativity creates. This is not good enough, shut up, people don’t want to read this rubbish  (he says, as he spits on the floor). Lauren, you should stop being so vulnerable to personal attack, don’t. say. another. word!

This quote really made me think about my creative life and whilst being a vile entity, my inner critic has driven me to improve my writing and to take a break from it when I need to. He is helping me mold my creative, but he has to work on his bedside manner. If I can convince my inner critic to become kinder and my creative to develop more resilience, there should surely be a ceasefire! 

I understand this was a rambling post, I just had to write it…

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