Society Magazine

Creation Grace: God as Artist

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
On Sundays I usually put up a photo of mine, showing a piece of the earth. I want to honor God's creative power. We worship Him on this holy day and part of that worship includes praising His eternal characteristics. He is Creator. As Charles Spurgeon said,

"Was he powerful? Was he the mighty God when he spake the world out of the womb of nonexistence? Was he the Omnipotent when he piled the mountains and scooped out the hollow places for the rolling deep?"
God is incredibly powerful, we know that. But within His creative power is a beauty and a delicacy. He could have made a world that is utilitarian only, in drab colors of gray and brown. Earth could look like Mars, after all. He could have made all the animals look almost alike. Or all of us amoebas. He didn't. His imagination, ability to not just create, but to create beautifully, is awe-inspiring.
Each bird has its own call. We have the harsh cry of the bluejay and the tweet of the songster warbler. Each bird has its own movement. We have the flits of the hummingbird and the soaring glide of the eagle.
Each animal has its own beauty, even jellyfish! Even bluebottle flies have a neon iridescence that catches the eye (just before you swat them...). Let's take a look at creation grace and the beauty within it.
He didn't have to create colorful fall foliage...but He did

Creation Grace: God as artist

Fall foliage, Crystal Lake, Gray ME. EPrata photo

 He didn't have to create colorful flowers...But he did

Creation Grace: God as artist

Wildflower, Comer, GA. EPrata photo

From chickens to tapirs to cats, He made them diverse

Creation Grace: God as artist

Georgia Chicken House, Danielsville GA. EPrata photo

Creation Grace: God as artist

Tapir, Amazon. EPrata photo

Creation Grace: God as artist

Barn Cat, Gray ME. EPrata photo

The sun & moon " for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth” (Genesis 1:15).
Creation Grace: God as artist

Creation Grace: God as artist

He paints the sky!

Creation Grace: God as artist

Sunset, Comer GA. EPrata photo

Creation Grace: God as artist

Sunset Daytona FL. EPrata photo

Creation Grace: God as artist

Sunset Lubec ME. EPrata photo

From the velvet beauty of the magnolia...

Creation Grace: God as artist

EPrata photo

to the sudden deadliness of the pitcher plant...

Creation Grace: God as artist

Bog, Campobello New Brunswick Canada. EPrata photo

to the prickliness of the cactus...

Creation Grace: God as artist

Cactus, EPrata photo

The Lord creates, and He creates beautifully!
If you would like to see some truly beautiful photos of earth taken by talented photographers, here are some links well worth visiting. As you view the photos, praise the Creator who not only made us and made this place to live, but He chose not to make it solely utilitarian, but beautiful, too.
Ten Years of Gorgeous Images of Earth 
Earth as Art: Stunning Images From Space

NatGeo: Extreme Earth

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