relaxing, refreshing, energetic, soothing, etc. or depending on the composition of the tea. Great attention has to be given to the selection of the plants that will be mixed, because not all existing plants are tested and fully accepted as beneficial to consumers.
Resources needed: - acquisition of dry plants in bags
- Establishing a marketing plan
- Establishing and packaging a design
- Establishing names and recipes
- Small surveys can be made between friends for determining optimal marketing tastes.
- Creating a logo
- Promotion through a website and niche stores
Advantages: -it is a natural product
- The investment is relatively small
- Mixing and product packaging can be made in one’s own home
- Natural products are and will become increasingly popular
- Sale prices are quite high compared to the investment
Disadvantages: - problems can occur in incompliance with legal issues regarding the use of plants that have not yet been tested.
Conclusions: Such a business can be easily performed at home, and a growing consumer market for natural products makes this business worth trying.