Theater Lo.. is a small film but the ideas with the team are big. A look at the promotional ideas of the unit would make anyone agree to this as a fact. Promotions of a film using stickers on autos and posters as large scale hoardings are pretty commonly done for any big film. What the unit of Theater Lo .., have done is used this promotional device as a promotion for their film. While they have continued with such regular promotions simultaneously they have also released few images containing posters of the film on planes, ships etc. in a mocking sort of way that also creates awareness about this small film.
With unique ideas like these the unit of Theater Lo .. is making sure that they are heard in an industry like ours where the small films usually are overlooked. Through this promotions they are once again showing that it’s the idea that is great not the money behind it. Well, kudos to them for their brilliant and innovative publicity methods.