Diaries Magazine

Crazy Bedtimes

By Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Not sure if it was school holidays? Pre-school going back? Or daylight savings that is causing the kids to go mental and stay up till after 9.30pm for the last two nights. It is rather annoying as they look so sleepy and have had a full day. Yesterday was the first day of school going back and after school went to a mates house for a play date. I then did the calming things, drawing, music, a show and dinner. Then got them to brush teeth, and we had story time. After this they both kept running around and causing issues. Hitting, biting and scratching. One of the girls wanted to share a bed with her sister. The sister as you can imagine did not want to share. Oh why can’t they just close their eyes and go to bed.

Tonight I am going to have them have a bath and relax a bit more before bed time. Maybe this will help more. I do have bath time but we have a big bath and cannot use a lot of water all the time, we will run out of hot water. So most of the time the little ones have a shower in the morning and unless they are really messy another shower or wash.

Kids hyper & not settling at bedtime for last 2 nights. Tonight better be different. Send in ideas for a calm night

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