Craig Cobb, the White Supremacist who tried to take over the town of Leith, North Dakota, may be violating his terms of probation.
In April, Judge David Reich sentenced Cobb to four years of supervised probation with 26 strict terms.
He is not allowed to have any contact with any of the victims, including by computer.
He also must let authorities search his residence and computer at any time.
Now Cobb appears to be posting photos and articles about people in Leith on a comedy page on a website called "White Nations."
We are not able to confirm whether or not Cobb is actually the one posting, but they are under his name and photo.
A 19 paper file of evidence has been turned over to the Grant County Sheriff's Department.
Tim Tausend, a spokesperson for the Department of Corrections says Cobb's probation officer, Kevin Hagen, is investigating.
If they find he is violating the terms, he will go back to jail for one year.