(Paris) Faced with a rebound in contamination by the coronavirus, the authorities have decided in several countries to reintroduce containment measures.
Published on 13 July 2020 at 9 a.m. 20 Updated 14 July 2020 in 10 h 37
France Media Agency
Overview, not exhaustive, of the adjustments and tightening of restrictions:
– SPAIN: The regional government of Catalonia has ordered the 12 July confinement at their home of 200 000 residents of Lleida and surrounding municipalities, arousing an arm wrestling with the justice which judged this decision “contrary to the law”.
– PORTUGAL: In the Lisbon region, new home confinement since 1 er July for 700 000 residents of twenty neighborhoods, for at least two weeks.
– GREAT BRITAIN: On 29 June, the British government reconfigured the city of Leicester, with the closure of non-essential stores. The wearing of the mask will be compulsory in all stores in England from 24 July.
– INDIA: The State of Bihar is reconfiguring from 16 July for two weeks its 125 million inhabitants. In the south, the 13 million inhabitants of the megalopolis of Bangalore and of its region are reconfigured since Tuesday for 10 days.
– PHILIPPINES: Six weeks after the end of confinement, approximately 250 000 Residents of Manila will again be confined for two weeks.
– AZERBAIJAN: Strict reconfiguration from 22 June until 1 er August.
– UZBEKISTAN: New containment since 10 July. Restaurants, sports halls, swimming pools and non-food shops are closed until 1 er August.
UNITED STATES: The State of California tightened restrictions on businesses on Monday, including generalizing the closure of bars, dining rooms, cinemas and zoos throughout the territory.
– ARGENTINA: Toughened containment measures in Buenos Aires and its periphery from 1 er in 17 July.
– COLOMBIA: Bogota, the main focus of the pandemic in Colombia, has since Monday reinforced containment, with “strict quarantines” by zones. 2.5 million people will take turns staying at home.
– GUYANE: In this French territory of 300 000 inhabitants in South America, measures to reconfigure certain districts and communes have been implemented since June and a curfew is in force.
– ALGERIA: The authorities ordered on July 9 the reconfiguration of two municipalities on the border with Tunisia, from 10 municipalities of Tipasa and the confinement of all the municipalities of the prefecture of Ouargla. These measures come two days after a similar decision concerning 18 communes of Sétif.
– MOROCCO: The city of Tangier, a metropolis of around one million inhabitants in northern Morocco, has been reconfigured since Monday.
– MADAGASCAR: the capital Antananarivo has been placed in containment again since July 5. The Analamanga region (of which the capital is a part) is closed to all traffic until 20 July . Only one person per household has the right to go out.
– SOUTH AFRICA: A curfew of 21 h to 4 h is again in in force in the country since Monday.
Middle East
– WEST BANK: The Palestinian Authority extended the closure of the occupied West Bank on Sunday, which was decided on July 3, adding a curfew.
– ISRAEL: New restrictions came into force on July 7, such as the closing of bars and sports halls or the limitation of the number of people in public places. Certain cities and districts considered to be centers of infection are subject to stricter restrictions.
– AUSTRALIA: Five million people have been confined to their home since July 9 and for six weeks in Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia.
The state of Victoria, where Melbourne is located, has closed all of its borders in order to preserve the rest of Australia, which has so far managed to contain the COVID epidemic – 19.