(Washington) The United States has recorded 63 643 cases of coronavirus additional over the last 24 hours, according to data Friday evening at 20 h 30 local Johns Hopkins University, which refers.
Posted on 10 July 2020 at 21 h 01
France Media Agency
The day before, the country had recorded a new record for the number of COVID infections – 19 with more than 65 500 additional cases in one day.
Since the start of the pandemic, more than 3, 18 million cases of coronavirus have been detected on the American territory but the number of people who contracted the disease is probably much higher, due to the difficulties of access to tests that existed in the country in March and April.
Some 774 people died from COVID – 19 in the United States for the past 24 hours, and the epidemic has 133 969 victims in total in the country, which is by far the most bereaved in the world.
Experts fear that the death curve will quickly follow the same trajectory as that of new infections. In recent days, Texas and Florida have each reported their record number of deaths since the start of the pandemic.
The US government's top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, has been sounding the alarm for several days in interviews. Parts of the country, like New York, “have taken control,” he told FiveThirtyEight on Thursday.
“But as a country, when we compare ourselves to other countries, I don't think we can say that we did well. This is simply not the case, “he said.
Donald Trump, who continues to minimize the outbreak of new cases of COVID – 19 in the country, has visited Friday in Miami, Florida, one of the current hotbeds of the COVID epidemic – 19, but the coronavirus was not on the agenda for his travels, particularly centered on military command for South America.