Ottawa has officially re-opened parks and green spaces in the city as the first phases of the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions take effect. Dog parks, playgrounds, and sportsfields, however, remain closed. Ottawa is easing restrictions, but many dog owners are finding it difficult to be so limited when it comes to finding safe places where they can exercise their dogs outdoors. Many parks in Ottawa prohibit dogs from entering, so community members rely on dog-friendly parks for their pets.
Park users must comply with the Ontario Government's emergency orders when entering the newly opened parks. This means no organized public events or gatherings of more than five people. Some outdoor amenities will be off-limits to park users as well.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson told reporters on Wednesday that “I wish we could (open dog parks) because I know the dog parks are really popular.” At this time there is no word as to when dog parks will re-open, but Mayor Watson acknowledges the importance of these parks to local dog owners. “We’re working with the province to see if we can’t loosen up some of these restrictions. Dogs need exercise as well as kids.”
I'll keep you posted on the progress of dog parks in Ottawa. In the meantime, CLICK HERE for tips on how to entertain your dog during self-isolation.

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