Books Magazine

Cover Reveal: Of Gaea

By Compelledbywords @compelledbyword
Welcome to the cover reveal for Of Gaea by Victoria Escobar! I wanted to share this with you guys because personally I think it's pretty awesome. So let's get started!
Cover Reveal: Of Gaea Of Gaea
by Victoria Escobar
(young adult, paranormal)
Publication: 01-01-13
Publisher: Createspace
Ari had always taken her mobility for granted. She had been a track and field star, an archery champion and an Eskrima pro. One selfish action changed all of that. Now confined to a wheelchair, Ari yearns for those days to return.
Ari has been searching the last eight months for a cure with no progress. Her best friend Sasha is the only thing keeping her from completely giving up. Following some vague advice, Ari turns away from medical science and starts researching alternative methods of healing. Suddenly, she finds herself tangled in a web of lies, questioning everything she’s ever known as truth.
She’s thrown headfirst into a world of good and evil, magic and Gods she didn’t know existed. Ari learns she will have a choice to make on her eighteenth birthday that will change everything. For everyone. But how does she know her choice will be the right one?


Victoria has currently rooted in New York, going to college at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division. Though she hates being cold, she toughs out the bitter New York winter for the love of family.
She writes in her spare time before and after the day job. Victoria enjoys the writing process and the creation of new characters and realities. She works by outline, less chance of falling
off the wagon that way.
She reads anything she can get her hands on, and devours a book in five hours or less. Victoria reads the Young adult books and the science fiction fantasy books more than anything else. However, she can be caught reading romance novels, and classics at times depending on her whimsy. Since her imagination is well tuned, it’s difficult for her to read/watch anything horror or suspenseful. (She has a tendency for prolonged nightmares if she does.)

So what do you guys think? I am one with nature so I love all of the green trees. And it's really cool to see all of the water and land inside the bubble. Personally I think it's a really beautiful piece of art! The story also seems really good so I'll definitely be adding this one to my TBR! Tell me what you think!

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