Books Magazine

COVER REVEAL- Isolation Juncture by Jennifer Gilmour-COVER REVEAL!!

By Gpangel @gpangel1
COVER REVEAL- Isolation Juncture by Jennifer Gilmour-COVER REVEAL!!

Rose is the mother of two young children, and finds herself living a robotic life with an abusive and controlling husband. While she struggles to maintain a calm front for the sake of her children, inside Rose is dying and trapped in ‘Isolation Junction’.
She runs an online business from home, because Darren won’t let her work outside the house. Through this, she meets other mums and finds courage to attend networking events, while Darren is at work, to promote her business.
It’s at one of these events that Rose meets Tim, a sympathetic, dark-haired stranger who unwittingly becomes an important part of her survival.
After years of emotional abuse, of doubting her future and losing all self-confidence, Rose takes a stand. Finding herself distraught, alone and helpless, Rose wonders how she’ll ever escape with her sanity and her children. With 100 reasons to leave and 1,000 reasons she can’t, will she be able to do it?
Will Tim help her? Will Rose find peace and the happiness she deserves? Can Rose break free from this spiraling life she so desperately wants to change?
Pre-order Links: Amazon UK - US - edition of Isolation Junction publishes on 22nd October, and Jennifer Gilmour would love to invite you to the online launch party on Facebook - REVEAL- Isolation Juncture by Jennifer Gilmour-COVER REVEAL!!Author Bio Born in the North East, I am a young, married mom with three children. I assistin running a family business from my home-base and I have a large readership of other young mums in business for my blog posts.From an early age I have had a passion for writing and have been gathering ideas and plot lines from my teenage years. A passionate advocate for women in abusive relationships, I have amalgamated and fictionalised other survivors experiences alongside my own to write my first novel detailing the journey of a young woman from the despair of an emotionally abusive and unhappy marriage to develop the confidence to challenge and change her life and to love again. I hope that in reading my debut novel, I will raise awareness of this often hidden and unseen behavior and empower women in abusive relationships to seek help for themselves and find the confidence to change their lives.
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