Books Magazine

Cover Lust: “Beautiful Ruins” by Jess Walter

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

I just finished this book, Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter, last week in anticipation for my first-ever participation in a book club!  I know, I’ve been a bookworm since I can remember but I’ve never been a part of one before.  So expect a lot of content on this book in the next few days: a book club post and a few reviews.  But first, how gorgeous is this cover?!

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Justine with the book and our other favorite thing: coffee!

The interesting thing is that while I thought the cover for this book is absolutely beautiful and totally drew me in, almost everyone else at the book club felt the opposite.  Some of the comments I heard was that it looked like a light, beach-read that you buy for a buck at the grocery store and that it didn’t entice anyone to read the book.

What do you think?  Does this make you want to read the book or does it scare you off?

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