Destinations Magazine

Courtney Kerr Makes a Statement with New BaubleBar Collaboration

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia
Courtney Kerr makes a statement with new BaubleBar collaboration You know Courtney Kerr?  If you don't already, you soon will. She's a big-haired loud mouth turned BRAVO reality TV star, turned fashion blogger, turned TV host, turned fashion designer! How many lives does this kitty cat have?!
Her new collaboration with BaubleBar - an online accessories shopping site - launched yesterday and the collection is filled with Kerr's signature statement-making pieces at affordable prices ranging from $44 to $26.
“When they pitched this idea to me last summer, I never imagined all the dedicated hours that I would spend staring at samples and making decisions and that it would be so difficult,” Kerr told ShopTalk a few days ago. “Obviously, I wanted the collection to be done right, and of course I wanted it to be a reflection of me as a blogger and style tastemaker, but also, speak to my personality.”
“Looking at the collection I see every kind of girl: the one who wears long flowy maxi dresses with traditional turquoise jewelry, the one who dresses in head-to-toe black and tops it off with a badass spiked chain, and the gal who uses her layered jewelry to make a statement. Either way, there is something for every girl in this collection, and it’s a project with an incredible company that I could not be more proud of.”
Courtney's motto is "more is more".  So get to clickin' and fill up that shopping cart! Shop the collection at
Courtney Kerr makes a statement with new BaubleBar collaborationCourtney Kerr makes a statement with new BaubleBar collaboration
Courtney Kerr makes a statement with new BaubleBar collaboration
Courtney Kerr makes a statement with new BaubleBar collaboration
photos: BaubleBar

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