"Come darling! Rest your smooth face on my hairy chest," she listened these lewd comments without giving any importance to them as being the lone bread earner of her family of five if she would confront them they would make it difficult for her to work so she heard them daily and just ignored.
The grief to see her family sleeping hungry was more painful for her than to listen such comments but listening silently was her compulsion and not her weakness.

One day when she was standing alone on that bus stand,their monstrous eyes saw it as an opportunity to fulfill their dirty desires and all four of them surrounded her.
She took out knife from her bag immediately and threatened them to kill, her loud shouts frightened them and they ran away never to return back.
Listen to your heart for courage which is breezy enough to cool the grief of your soul.
Linking to Three Word Wednesday ( hairy,breezy,monstrous) , Five Sentence Fiction (grief) and
Theme Thursday ( Listen).