Hello Everyone! I wanted to get all geared up for fall and made a countdown of my favorite things of the season. Everything from fun DIY crafts , to pumpkin spice recipes, to over sized sweaters-you name it. You can wear and make these things all the way up to Christmas time as well. Here is my countdown for all things fall:
5. Fall Attire:
I love layering my clothes for a cute and cozy outfit. It’s great for running errands, taking the kiddos to the park, a quaint dinner somewhere, etc. My go-to outfit? An oversized neutral color sweater with tights and a pair of brown boots (Even though I ALWAYS wear high heels I really like the simple lower heel looks as well). Throw on a scarf and you are good to go! The look of fall is ideal because it looks like you threw something on effortlessly, and it looks great on any body type. The more colors, patterns and layering you go, the more playful you can get with it. Here are examples of some of my favorite fall attire:

4. The smell of Fall:
As it gets colder, crisper and the leaves begin to change, I get so excited to bring out my fall-scented candles and homemade fragrances that my Grandmother once taught me how to do. Anything pumpkin, nutty, cinnamon, warm vanilla, banana nut, need I say more? Below are the homemade recipes that you can either bake or cook on the stove top that will make your entire house smell amazing for months. Passed down from my Grandmother, you can re-heat these recipes right before you have company over and they will be asking for the recipe too! Click on image to enlarge.

3. Fall Spices and Food:
When I think of fall, the first thing that probably comes to mind is PUMPKIN. All things pumpkin flavored, spiced, decorated-nothing screams fall more than pumpkin spiced everything. Not only do I love eating pumpkin spiced foods and drinks, I also don’t mind my house smelling like it either. Pumpkin is a smell that isn’t too overpowering, and it complements the changing seasons so well. Below are my favorite recipes for the fall. I roasted a fresh pumpkin and made 7 dishes with ingredients I had at home.

Some of my favorite recipes:
Pumpkin Soup
2. Fall Crafts:
These are super fun to do with your kids, some friends or even with your significant other. The other day, my daughter and I did a fun craft to put in your bathroom that looks like a ghost peeking out of the top of the toilet (shown below). I would much rather make my fall decorations rather than buy them because it has a sentimental meaning to it. Also, check out some of the ways you can jazz up a pumpkin without making a single carve. That’s probably my favorite craft idea at the moment!

1. Physical Changes of Fall:
This one is listed as my number one favorite thing of fall for many reasons! For one, whether you are talking a leisurely drive around town, taking a walk outside or just watching the leaves through your window-the change of season is simply breathtaking. The vivid colors of red, orange and brown lining the streets instantly get me in a good mood. Also, it is a great way to get the kids outside to play. You can play in the leaves, throw a football around, watch a football game, pick pumpkins, anything you do will make lasting memories with the family. The crisp air surrounding the aromas of fall will get anyone to celebrate the start of the holiday season.

Happy Holidays!