Current Magazine

Countdown to Laugh Your Asheville Off, Today’s Comedian Jon Wilson

Posted on the 25 July 2013 by Citizenthymes @citizenthymes

20 days left until Asheville’s annual comedy festival, Laugh Your Asheville Off, August 13th to August 17th.


Today’s feature comedian that will be performing at Laugh Your Asheville Off is Jon Wilson.


From Wilson’s Bio:

Jon Wilson is quickly becoming a favorite performer out of Minneapolis. His act is unique, memorable, and of course, hilarious.

In 2011 Jon appeared on the Showtime special “Louie Anderson Presents.” He has featured at clubs all around the Midwest, spreading his unique brand of humor to delighted audiences wherever he goes.

Here is a clip of Wilson performing:


For tickets to Laugh Your Asheville Off held August 13th through 17th click here.


For more Asheville stand up comedy check out our Asheville Comedy Calendar!

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