Fashion Magazine

Could You Be Any Slower?

By Alysonisneat
Could You Be Any Slower?
Could You Be Any Slower? 
I took these pictures on Wednesday.  I only had three shots from this day because it was WAY cold that morning.  I am not wearing stockings of any sort and let's get real... I was cold. Dear Friday,
Although, you took your time getting here, I am so glad you decided to show up.  You will fill today with finishing up projects, taking out the trash, working out, and perhaps a little laundry.  Who has two thumbs and is excited for a lazy Friday evening?  This girl.
Sweater: Urban OutfittersSkirt: Gap (seriously old though)Shoes: thriftedNecklace: gift from Sam
PS- Wednesday was Texas Independence Day.  It is a glorious day when Texans officially created the state cuisine of Tex-Mex oh and Texas was no longer a part of Mexico.  It officially became its own country and that is why the Texas flag can be flown at the same height as the US flag. 

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