"Vanishing Point" is a very dangerous song to play if you're driving. I drive a lot and I catch myself flooring it while headbanging furiously while listening to it, and that's not a good combination. To hell with it though because "Vanishing Point" is a ferocious beast full of badass riffs which brings out the metal thrashing mad side of me...and I absolutely love it! It's awesome to have Cortez back again. They've been kind of dormant for a few years, well at least on the recording front, but apart from this excellent split they also released a new full-length back in 2012. So here's hoping to see more of these Bostonians, the world needs them!
Borracho - "Know My Name"
Hell yeah, I know your name Borracho! These guys never fail to deliver and this song, "Know My Name", is no different. It has a heavy bluesy knuckle dragging feel to it as the band leaves a million dead in their wake. This DC trio are not about taking prisoners, they are here to rule and rule they do alright. Hot on the trail fo their recent full-length, "Oculus", "Know My Name" only cements their brilliance.
The only complaint I have, yes I'm that conceited, is the single is too short! True, the seven inch format only allows so much music but when you have songs this great from two fantastic bands, you never want it to stop. However, the two remedies I have is to play this split over and over again as well as buying all their previous releases. If that doesn't cure your ailment I suggest you see them live whenever they are in your area. Trust me, I've seen both on stage and I always get blown away. Miss this at your peril!
- Swedebeast