
Corona Virus Benefits – Who is Winning Against Humanity Today?

Posted on the 27 October 2020 by Aamritri

Corona Virus Benefits – Who is Winning Against Humanity Today?

Corona Virus almost destroys the lives of millions of people all over the world. Let's talk about those groups who take full advantage of the chaos created by the Corona Virus by turning it into Benefits for themself.


Most of you people may consider this article weird because of its title. The effects of the Corona Virus are very deadly to the world in all different ways. People are getting sick, scare of death, lost jobs because of lockdown, and what worse can happen? It looks like the whole world is fighting against this virus, working altogether and united.
But in fact, the whole world is divided into two different sides. One site is losing everything because of the Corona Virus & the other side taking full advantage of the situation for their benefits. Most people want this virus to stop spreading because they want to live a normal life. But can you imagine, some people want to keep it for the next few years for their benefits?

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Details of Winner Against Humanity

1- Large and Online Companies

Most large companies like Amazon earned more money during lockdown compare to regular days. As per the latest reports, there is an increase in the wealth of many wealthy people when millions already lost their job. But how these Corporations are winning against humanity?
Let's talk about everyday life situations where a lot of shops are open to purchasing; people visit restaurants with family, thousands of jobs available for people. But when there is a lockdown in the whole world, people cant enjoy a normal life. They are forced to order food online, all online delivering companies become richer.
Thousands of people working in restaurants already lost their jobs; only a few people can work with an online system to provide food for a lot of people. Money which was supposed to feed a lot of families because of jobs, now completely transferred to the pocket of wealthy people. These online companies don't need to hire waiters, spend money to clean restaurants, pay rent, and simply earn a lot of money which was supposed to divide into thousands of people. It's just a simple example to explain how these companies are making more money because of the Corona Virus, and a lot of people lost their jobs.

2- Media Channels

How many people are watching these media channels every day? Most people are turning them on only when they hear about some incidents that happen somewhere. But these lockdown and corona fear become a significant way of getting more attention for these channels. Millions of people are watching the news every day to find out the latest situation around them or what's happening in the world?
These channels will not feel happy if a cure is created to end this virus. Large companies are funding them to spread fear to keep people in the home. That's the best way to earn money for doing nothing by these media channels. People are now addicted to these channels to open them multiple times a day to find the latest updates on the virus.

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3- Hospitals

Hospitals are always happy to receive more patients because that's the only way to make billions of dollars. Can you understand what a media channel owner may pray when waking up every day? Most of them are thinking about some incident to happen to sell that news the whole day to people. That's what happens with these hospitals all the time.
More patients mean they will earn more money from them. Coronaviruses become a rare opportunity for owners of hospitals to increase their wealth at all levels. They receive a lot of funds, millions of tests all over the world every month, especially in the USA. Many secret powers pay them money to provide fake stats to spread fear among ordinary people.

4- China

There are two possibilities if we want to discuss China Involvement in Corona Virus. First of all, China tried its best to control this virus without telling the world about its effects. The virus was discovered in their city, and they immediately put the whole city on lockdown to control it. Secondly, This virus is created by China to destroy the world economy. Consider it like a false flag operation where China spread it on a controlled level, but plan to destroy the whole world without a war.
You can consider it a war against humanity by China. As you can understand, China's economy becomes the world's strongest already when every country lost too much in the process. They will never want to end this virus because it's a way to destroy America without war. Why there are no 2nd or 3rd waves in China like the whole world?

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Our world is divided into two different forces which everyone can easily understand. The war between Good & Evil never ends from the beginning of this world. The primary purpose of this article is to open your eyes to see the world differently. Everyone must know their enemies trying to keep this virus forever in our life to get wealthier.

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Corona Virus Benefits – Who is Winning Against Humanity Today?

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