I have nearly forgotten that I owned a Thermos pot. Finally brought it out and put to good use once again. This is a good utensil to own especially when you are a working mom. I used to prepare porridge for my kids using a smaller pot as well. Really easy. Just prepare this before I leave to pick kids up and when we are back, the porridge is ready.
Well the corn and carrot still shine and this is so easy to make. This time I used pig tail bone and it turned out to be really good.

What you need:2 corn 2 med sized carrot400g pig tail boneWaterMethod:Blanched pig tail bone.Add all ingredients into a pot of boiling water. I filled it up to 3/4 full.
Bring to a brisk boil and lower to medium heat. Let it boil for 2 hours.
Put the pot in to the outer thermos pot and let it sit for another 2 - 4 hours.
Before serve, I usually bring it to a boil again.
Season with soya sauce or salt before serving.