Photography Magazine

Corellian Engineering Corp YT-1300f, Millennium Falcon

By Htam

IMG_7548_AuroraHDR2019.jpg@ Disneyland, CA

January 2020

The Millennium Falcon is the most celebrated of the Corellian Engineering Corporation’s YT series of starships.  The YT-1300 was used as a freighter and transport, and some saw service as intermodal tugs in orbital freight yards. The vessel’s side-mounted cockpit and front-facing mandibles allowed it to push containers.  Standard YT-1300s possessed powerful engines and stock hyperdrives.  A central passage tube runs from the ventral to the dorsal hull with transparisteel observation decks on each end where weapon turrets could be installed.  The YT-1300 was renowned for its durability and its modular design that allowed for custom configurations.   The Millennium Falcon was a YT-1300f configured to haul cargo.  iPhone 8 photo.

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