Travel Magazine

Cordoba and Iguazu Falls

By Hanacooper
We have reached Rio de Janerio today, ending our 2 weeks in Argentina.
After Buenos Aires we took a 12 hour bus journey to the second city. I much preferred COrdoba to BA as it was cleaner, more compact and there were more interesting things to see. We toured around the beautiful churches, cathedrals and Jesuit temples. We also had fun in the markets and various restaurants, despite then having to spend most of my time on the toilet!!
On Tuesday we embarked on a 22 hour bus ride to the north east. The bus was also 4 hours late so it was the longest journey of my life! However the overnight buses in south America are comfy and spacious..thank goodness! We arrived in the small town of Puerto IGuazu on Wednesday. PI is by the border of BRazil and Paraguay and is a rural and charming place. It was so nice to be out of the smelly polluted cities.
On THursday we went to the biggest and best waterfalls in the world; Iguazu falls. They were absolutely magnificent and nothing could have prepared me for the sheer scale of them and the volume and intensity of water. It was a wonderful day, and despite getting soaked, we decided that the trip to south America had been worth it just to have seen the falls.
Last night was another 24 hour bus ride into Brazil. We arrived at COpacabana beach in RIo this afternoon feeling very tired. I can't believe that this is our last destination and that we will be home on FRiday!
Check for the last blog later in the week.
Love Hana x

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