Hey guys! I know its been like forever but right now I'm really busy with college and also I've just recently moved, so everything in my place its like a total mess, and not only my place, but in my life too. I have a lot of things to figure out and now I'm dealing with a lot of mixed feeling and I just came to I point in my life where I completely lost my self, I don't know if maybe all the changes I've been through and all new life lessons I had, but right now I'm a totally out in space so I'm sad to say that I may not blog for a while, cause I'm like really confused about everything and everyone surrounding me and I can't handel the blog right now, but don't worry I will be back before you expect, I promise that, with new things better posts and for 2012 I'll commit myself to make this blog work and also post more frequently.
But now, here's my ''last post'' -only for now- and what a better goodbye than with ANTONI GAUDI. Last day I went with some friend to Parc Guell, and I just love thats place, it's amazing, I went like a million the when i was little and its really inspiring and relaxing. I love all of Gaudi's masterpieces they are quite extraordinary, and living in Barcelona let me enjoy them every time I walk down the street. In fact, one of my art works its inspired in him.

PD. I will be back by the end of December, ready to start a new amazing year.marinee.