Books Magazine

Cooking #BlogFlash2012 Day 23

By Librarygirl @LibraryGirlRead
Cooking #BlogFlash2012 Day 23 Cooking is one of those things that I wish I was better at. I love to eat wonderful food but when it comes to actually creating it someone else had better be in the kitchen. My life requires meals to be fast and simple. No one in our house has patience to wait long for dinner and my husband and daughter like their food to be pretty basic. I'm hoping I can get my youngest to be a little more adventurous with her food choices but I fear the deck is stacked against me on that one. My husband works in administration at The Chef's Academy so I know that I could find someone to teach me how to cook if I had time to learn. I love it when they have public events so my taste buds can be spoiled as I enjoy food from the instructors and the students.
#BlogFlash2012: 30 Days, 30 Prompts, 30 Posts
Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Bookstore links are generally affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.

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