Moi: Why, thank you kindly. I rather enjoyed presenting it.
The Other: I have a question that I would like to ask, if you have the time.
Moi: (smiles and gestures)...proceed
The Other: At what point in your life, did you realize that you were not meant for 'the societally-regulated'? (make air quotes with fingers)
Moi: Oh, that's an easy one. It was right around the time that I understood what 'societal' truly meant. According to society, the fact that my hair is some 'odd' orang-ish color, I'm not suitable for the business world....and the truth of the matter, is that I can out negotiate some of the great ivy leaguers of our day. According to society, a woman with a tongue ring is a whore...and the truth of the matter is that I have been crazy, stupid in L O V E with the same entity for over 7 years. Oh, and my personal favorite...according to society, all queer women look the same/think the same and the truth of the matter is...well, look around. Not one of us, is even remotely identical to the other. I gave up on society right around the same time that they gave up on me. At the exact moment, that society told me that all that I am was was at that moment, that I told them to fuck off. (smiles).

At the end of our conversation, The other and I walked and rapped until nightfall. An exchange of confessions and revelations; hopes and regrets. We parted ways a little lighter of heart but far heavier of mind.
Oddly enough, my best conversations are with those whom I am meeting for the first and sometimes, only time.
Why do we fear conversation?Not TEXTNot IMNot EMAILNot PHONE CALLMeet in person, sit still, and just TALKLook into someone's eyes and feel their dialogue
Everyone has something to teachAnd there is always more to be absorbed