It's here! In less than two days, this year's Oscar nominees will be announced. And as we wait in anticipation of the big day, 31 bloggers have signed up to test their skills at predicting this year's Oscar nominations. Among our returning players are former winners Gautam and Ryan, who will surely be in the running for the prize again. So get those thinking caps on and be sure to visit all these blogs and show them some love. Good luck!
Me! - Film Actually
Heather - That Film Girl
Christopher - Awards Madness
Tony - Coogs Reviews
Stewart - Talkie Gazette
Gautam - The Cinemaholic (2014 winner!)
Todd - All My Life I Wanted To Be a Blogster
Michael - Movie Parliament
Murtada - ME_Says (2015 runner-up!)*
Daniel - Chicago Cinema Circuit
Jessica - French Toast Sunday
Josh - The Cinematic Spectacle
Sam - The Awards Circuit
Matt F. - Movie Awards Plus
Ryan - Lord of the Films (2015 winner!)*
Andrew - A Fistful of Films
Joe - The MN Movie Man
Ross - Wholly Cinema
John - John Likes Movies
Andrew - The Awards Connection
Jason - The Entertainment Junkie
Donovan - Awards and Such
Paul - Paul's Trip to the Movies
Jay - Life vs Film
James - The Gold Knight
*Winner decided on tiebreaker.
- Your predictions are due by 6PM EST on Jan 23rd. They will then be posted here on a spreadsheet for everyone to see.
- Remember: once you have sent me the link, those will be entered as your FINAL predictions. No further changes will be accepted.
Click here for a reminder of all the rules/instructions.