As I prepare to head off to this year’s Comic-Con International 2012, I wanted to leave you Truebies with a little gift of sorts. The folks over at VMODA have given me a pair of True Blood VMODA V-80 headphones to give away. I have a pair myself and I have to admit they are pretty spectacular! So how can you win a pair of your own?
I want to know what your favorite storyline or character has been so far in season in season 5. Since many of you might have the same answer, I also want to know why.
Submit your answers in the comments below or send an email with “True Blood VMODA Contest” in the subject line.
You will have until 11:59PM PST on Tuesday July 17 to submit your answers. So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
Good luck!
True Blood Fan Source thanks Matt Shumate of Max Borges Agency for letting us run this contest.
Image Credit: V-MODA