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Fifty Shades Trilogy by E.L. James (ebook)*
Fifty Shades Of Grey+
Fifty Shades Darker+
Fifty Shades Free
The Artists Of Palkha by Saurabh Kumar Das (ebook)*
Reviews of books published on or after 01/01/2008 are accepted. [Reviews of older books will be ineligible for the contest]
The review should be of 400-500 words and should touch upon the plot, characterization, theme, readability, writing style and other special features of the book.
Multiple entries (Maximum three) are allowed.
The reviews will be checked for grammatical errors and modified accordingly, before it is posted.
The entry should be fresh and written specifically for this contest.
If is has been previously posted in Goodreads, Amazon, flipkart or any such site, it should be thoroughly edited before submission.
A link of the previous article should also be given along with your contest entry.
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Marks will be awarded according to the content and popularity and prizes will be given to the top 10 scorers.
1 Like/share – 1 Point
1 comment – 3 Points (Multiple comments from the same person will be treated as one)
50 marks will be reserved for the content [TIP – YOU CAN SCORE MORE POPULARITY by sharing with your friends]
Review of those books will be considered that have not been published in the blog before. [Search this blog to see if it has been posted before. ]
Submission will be posted within 2 days of your sending it.
Hence, the earlier you send your entry, the more time you get to score on popularity.All the Best and have fun. Happy reading and reviewing :)
All entries must be mailed to ishitrozel[at]gmail[dot]com, with the review in a Microsoft document as attachment. Attach your photograph (not compulsory) and write a little bit about yourself in the e-mail body.
The review must contain the following points:
Name of the book
Rating (on 10)
About the author (Few sentences)
You are requested to join the site and like the facebook page before submitting your entry.
For updates – FOLLOW BY EMAIL
You can also follow me on twitter and facebook.
Contest Closes On 15th May 2014
The reviews that do not fit the genre will be reserved as entries for future contests which will fall under that genre. You will be notified accordingly.
Prizes will be sent within 48 hours of the results being declared. Prizes may vary from contest to contest.
*PDF format that can be easily read even without ebook readers