Andy Crestodina, Strategic Dirctor of Orbit Media Studios,has created a terrific resource for branding and marketing professionals who are looking for a way to blend SEO, Email and Social tactics to attract visitors to a website and convert those visitors into leads and customers.
Andy shares the most important and effective lessons he’s learned about content marketing.
“My hope is that new insights into web marketing will motivate you to get started and stay active. I hope you realize that web marketing is enjoyable because it’s creative, something both social and analytical.”
It’s an easy read. Every time I open the book, I learn something and find that I’m nodding my head in agreement. Well written, with 54 diagrams, 33 quick tips and 16 warnings, the book is very digestible.
Snag a copy here.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Andy sent me a free copy to review but I am not being paid to review this. However, Orbit Media Studios has provided services to a nonprofit organization that I serve on the board of directors, but that has not influenced my review.