Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Consume More, Conserve More: Sorry, but We Just Can’t Do Both | George Monbiot

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Consume more, conserve more: sorry, but we just can’t do both | George Monbiot“Governments urge us both to consume more and to conserve more. We must extract more fossil fuel from the ground, but burn less of it. We should reduce, reuse and recycle the stuff that enters our homes, and at the same time increase, discard and replace it. How else can the consumer economy grow? We should eat less meat to protect the living planet, and eat more meat to boost the farming industry. These policies are irreconcilable. The new analyses suggest that economic growth is the problem, regardless of whether the word sustainable is bolted to the front of it.

“It’s not just that we don’t address this contradiction; scarcely anyone dares even name it. It’s as if the issue is too big, too frightening to contemplate. We seem unable to face the fact that our utopia is also our dystopia; that production appears to be indistinguishable from destruction.”  From:

GR:  In Arizona, the government asks us to conserve water while, at the same time, the government invites more people and businesses to move here.  Perhaps we should begin awarding huge cash prizes for promoting zero growth.

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