Fox news is not news, it is not fair and balanced, it is not accurate, it is pure hyped up propaganda and lies.
There is no 'anti-business' agenda, not in Hollywood, not in the entertainment media, not anywhere.
There IS legitimate use of an individual as a villain who is in the business sector, BECAUSE there are legitimate examples in the news, on a regular basis, of business executives who are crooked and criminals. Hello? Bernie Madoff sound familiar to anyone? Or numerous others?
That is not anti-business, nor does it make the case that because of an individual being a villain, that everyone in the same sector of the economy is therefore a villain aka anti-business.
Conservatives ONLY in the U.S have become irrational, illogical, factually deficient and too-often fact-averse. They have lost the capacity to be truthful or to use reason and logic. Bunch of whiners! Boo hoo! We're all victims, waaaaaah! (NOT)
This is a good reason to be critical of Romney; he mistakenly, conservatively and very wrongly equates a fictional financial entity with human beings. That is wrong, that is BAD. That is immoral and unethical.
What I don't see coming out of Fox Nuisance is a fair and balanced look at who the villains are in Hollywood. CLEARLY, Hollywood is not tarring business with an anti-business brush; CLEARLY the movies are anti-Anglo! (Just kidding)