Politics Magazine

Congress Is The Problem

Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Jobsanger
Congress Is The ProblemThe person who made this graph (which I found on the blog of Yellowdog Granny) applied it to to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (and that would exhibit the truth about McConnell) -- but wouldn't it apply equally to ALL congressional Republicans? Haven't they all ignored their duty to help the citizens of the United States in an effort to trash our elected (twice) president and block any attempts he has made to create jobs, improve the economy, and help Americans hurt by the Republican Recession?
I'm not saying the president could have solved all of the problems it took Republicans 30 years to create, but with just a little cooperation from Congress we could be much farther down the road to recovery. There is no doubt anymore -- Congress is the problem!
Congress Is The Problem

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