Gaming Magazine

Congratulation to Tribu Pan-ay for Iloilo Dinagyang Festival 2012 Grand Champion

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Shemamaja @jophadelz
Congratulation to Tribu Pan-ay for Iloilo Dinagyang Festival 2012 Grand ChampionI've watched the live coverage of Iloilo Dindagyang Festival 2012 and one of my bet is Tribu Pan-ay for the Ati-ati tribe competition winner. As what have expected, Tribu Pan-ay is the grand champion for the said Dinagyang Festival 2012 Ati-ati tribe competition. Among the 13 competitors, Tribu Pan-ay, Tribu Buntatalan-on and Tribu Lunok are my favorite tribe. Said to say that Tribu Buntatalan-on did not make it but Tribu Lunok made it in a placer in the competition. To those who did not make the score in Dinagyang festival 2012, just don't lose hope, you can make it next year and do your best.
Here's the Tribu Pan-ay live performance video during the Dinagyang festival 2012 in Iloilo City Philippines:

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By buntatalan-on dancer
posted on 29 January at 18:43
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wow..thank you for making our tribe one of your favorites, although we never make it to the top 5 at least even though we are a new tribe, we still make it to top 6, that's a good achievement to, we are looking forward for next year's Dinagyang, and we will do our very best to make it to the top 5..thank you ma'am...God Bless