Food & Drink Magazine

Condense Milk Cotton Cake (炼奶棉花蛋糕)

By Rumblingtummy @RumblingTummi
I have not bake a cake for awhile.  Each time I looked at my fellow bloggers' bakes, I am tempted but with my cough lingering, I was not motivated.
Hub and I were invited to his class potluck gathering this evening.  Usually I need a push factor to get my butt moving and such event does help.
Looking at my fellow bloggers baking this Condense milk cotton cake, I can see why it has gotten so much positive comments.
Who doesn't like a girl with great body, this cake fits just nicely into this category.  Sexy!
Condense milk cotton cake (炼奶棉花蛋糕)
Findings: The cake is soft and fluffy and has a nice evenly brown top.  I have gotten good feedback from hub's classmates as well.
This recipe is definitely a keeper!
Thanks for sharing this recipe 君之的博客!
What you need:
3 egg yolks 30g egg, beaten
35g unsalted butter 50g cake flour, sieved 50g condensed milk
3 egg whites 40g castor sugar
Preheat oven to 170°C. Lined a 6" round cake pan.  DO NOT GREASE
Whisk egg yolks with beaten egg. Set aside.
In a small pan, melt butter until you see small bubbles appear, remove from heat.
Pour the flour into the hot melted butter.  Mix with a spatula to form a paste.
Add in the condensed milk and whisk to combine. 
Add the egg mixture and whisk to combine. Set aside.
In a clean bowl, whisk egg white until foamy.  Slowly drizzle in the sugar and whisk at high speed to soft peak.  Lower speed and continue to whisk until stiff peak.
Fold of the meringue into the yolk batter until batter has “soften”.  Fold the remaining meringue until evenly combined.
Pour the batter into the cake pan. Lightly bang the cake pan a few times to remove any trapped air bubbles in the batter.
Place the cake pan in a tray of 1cm-deep hot water. 
Steam-bake the batter for 40 mins (top heat) at second lowest rack of the oven.
After 40 minutes, reduce the oven temperature to 150 °C (top and bottom heat) for another 20 to 30 minutes.
If the cake browns too fast, cover it with an aluminum foil.
Once done, remove the cake from the oven and drop the pan from a height of about 5 cm for about three times. This is to prevent the cake from over shrinking during the cooling period.  By then, my cake was already nicely unmould from the pan. 
Then let them cool down on a cooling rack for about 15 - 20 mins, or till the cake slightly shrink away from the wall of the cake mold.
Remove the cake from the cake pan and cool down on a wire rack.
If the cake is still damp, dry it up by keeping it in the warm oven for about 5 min at 90°C. 
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