- Compare and contrast
- Descriptive
- Reflective
- Expository
Compare and Contrast Essays
One of the essay types that will help you hone your analytical, observational and critical thinking skills is called a compare and contrast essay. This type of essay shows similarities and differences between the subjects.
*Tip* It's useful to use a Venn Diagram when writing compare and contrast essays. By doing this you can easily see what the similiarities and differences are between the two items. It will also show you if you have enough items to write an essay. If it's very difficult to find similiarites or differences, you should consider choosing another topic.
Descriptive Essays
Another way to train your observation skills is to write descriptive essays. They teach you to notice small details and use 100% of your writing potential. A descriptive essay is similiar to painting a picture with words. You should try to use a variety of different senses so that your reader can get a complete feel of what's happening.
*Tip* When writing descriptive essays is to have someone read your essay out loud to you while you close your eyes and listen. By doing this you will completely focus on what you've written. In addition, you will by able to see if your essay truly uses enough descriptive words.