Yesterday, I spent the whole day with neighbours distributing green growbags (as in pic above) to local residents’ front gardens for this year’s Community veg growing project. Pic above is also part of a 4 page article in Gardening Which? this month. Unfortunately I can’t include a link to their website as it’s for members only, so below I’ve copied and pasted the rest of the article. That’s me above (in pink) in my front garden last May.

Most photos were taken last year during the growbags give-away day in May and at the end of the growing season in August.

This year, we’ve doubled the number of participating households from 50 to 100!

Neighbours can now start growing their beans in the growbags provided, and we’ll get together in a couple of months over tea and cake to catch up at the end of the growing season.
If you want to read more about the project, you can go to the community growing page on my blog.