Chris Power on Bruno Schulz's short stories, and John Self on Schulz's Street of Crocodiles
Mr. Waggish on Thomas Bernhard's nihilistic ranting evasions
Philip Lopate on a new collection of Bernhard's addresses, My Prizes: An Accounting: "No one could be less accepting of the human condition, and so [Bernhard] tells the awards audiences that they are in for a future of endless cold, that life is meaningless and that Austrians are apathetic, megalomaniac, monotonous. Strangely, these speeches did not go over well."
E. M. Cioran 'belongs to the tradition of French and especially German aphorists, like Lichtenberg, Novalis, and finally Nietzsche.' According to the linked article (in The Hindu), Cioran regarded Meister Eckhart as the 'profoundest thinker of the Occident.'
Sean Kelly on 'navigating past nihilism'
A new biography of Romain Gary
Charles Taylor on 'The Meaning of Secularism'
From 2005, 'Schiller's relevance for us and for all times'